Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Had some rain today...

And the bike did fine. I was working a half day today. I work a four day week and my day off rotates every four weeks...... or whenever the higher ups remember to change it. But we can work overtime, but it's not overtime. You get time and a half leave instead.

Since my wife rented us a beach house next week ( YAY! ) I needed to build a little extra leave. So I went in today. I did not get going too quickly this morning so left the house about 30 minutes late.

I didn't see Mr Buell Guy but did get passed by a guy on a Suzuki....a Suzuki streetfighter/ratbike/commuter. I've finally defined my favorite bikes. I guess my perfect bike would be defined as a low dollar 'fighter/ commuter with a bit of ratbike added in.

I think the bike was a GS 500 or possibly a Katana with the fairings removed. It was black, of course, and slightly dirty, of course. It did have an after market exhaust and it sounded good. Cool bike,

Leaving this afternoon at 3:30 instead of my usual 7:30, it was sunny and hot.  Some small dark clouds were in the sky but it didn't look like rain. Stopped at What A Burger for a late lunch and as I was leaving, I realized it was raining lightly, but the sun was out. Looking South, I saw a wall of dark rainclouds. Not good, I had a stop to make before I could head home. I made the stop and coming out of the Post Office, saw that it had rained quite a bit while I was inside.

Being overly careful, I headed out and the bike and new tires did fine. No problems at all and after a couple of miles, I passed some invisible line and the temp rose about 20 degrees and the road was bone dry.

As for the beach house, I can't wait. I am going to ride the bike down and ride back a day before everyone else comes home. Expect pictures of the beach. And a picture of the world's smallest police station. But more beach pictures. We may not have curvy mountain roads, but we do have beautiful beaches.

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