Sunday, July 17, 2011

And I'm back...

That was a relaxing break. Sad thing is, I didn't ride much but I did spend a lot of time on the beach with the kids, impressing them with my skill of finding sand dollars. No major sun burns, and a lot of fun had by the whole family.

I headed back Thursday and while riding east on 98 I noticed a large and dark mass of clouds sitting to the north of me. But the sun was out overhead and the ride was nice. However, once I hit Panacea, the temperature fell and a few drops hit my faceshield.

Oh boy. Well, nothing to do but keep on riding, so that's what I did. The rain wasn't too bad and I was barely getting damp. By the way, the bike and tires did fine, I am really liking these Shinko tires.

I was enjoying the ride and then noticed that it looked a lot darker on the road in front of me. Well, I soon rode into a typical North Florida rain storm. It poured.  Nothing to do but keep going. I was soaked. I did sort of look around to see if there was anywhere to pull over and get out of the rain, but I kept going. What was the point? The bike was doing fine, no real traffic behind me riding my bumper and I was already soaked.

So I kept going. Once I hit Crawfordville, the deluge had stopped and I was halfway dry when I got home. Fun ride, actually but those bridges were ... interesting. Don't like bridges on the Bandit. I mean, I know I'm ok but I guess the fact there is nothing next to the edge of the bridge makes me a little ummmm ... clenchy. Guess I'll have to get over that if I plan on any travel longer than a day or so.

Well, the vacation was nice but it is nice being back!

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