Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thinking about my last post...

About something cool to do here in town or the general area, I came up with two basic ideas of events that might be pretty cool. Take a look and give me some feedback:

1. What about a well planned out drive from Tallahassee, across the Georgia border, then across the Alabama border, then home? We could try for a torture ride or we could camp somewhere along the way and finish the trp the next day.

2. How about a 12 or 24 hour Capital Circle run? No real point to this, I guess, other than it just being cool to do. Hmm, maybe we could make a party out of it, get some sponsors....OHHHH maybe some exposure for our group?

Sound good? Insane? Got any other thoughts of cool rides?


Robert said...

overnight camp trip would be fun
Robert & Marian

Combatscoot said...

The 24 hours of Capital Circle sounds neat, but connecting the ends on the north side would be interesting. You would need a suitable scoot to put to the test, something most folks wouldn't think could make it, and a place to run the test from, preferably on Capital Circle. It would be neat, doing a promotional with Tallahassee Scooters and All About Scooters, running the test from there and going out and back Appalachee Parkway to continue the route. One of us could fire-up a grill, perhaps a radio station could be called to hang-out for awhile, that sort-of thing. I like it.

Scott said...

I was thinking run Cap Cir til it ends on Thomasville Road and turning around and circling backaround the Cap Cir NW, then turning around again, sort of a 3/4 circle.