Saturday, August 13, 2011

200th Post!

I was driving home last week from work and saw some of the coolest bikes. There were two sets of bikes and they were very cool. The first set looked like a husband and wife and they were both on ratty BMW's. I like ratbikes and a BMW ratbike is cool. They looked more or less like these two:

The next pair actually work where I do, but I haven't met them. They ride Triumphs, a Sprint and a Speed Triple. Very cool bikes and one of these days I'll meet those two riders. What's a three cylinder bike sound like, anyway?

But the coolest thing I saw on the way home that day was what looked like a homemade reverse scooter trike. I googled and searched for a picture that was even sort of similar to what I saw being driven down the road. No picture even came close.

This thing looked like the front of an old 70's VW kit car, very angular and it had a bench seat. But in the back was the single reartire of a scooter. And it was painted flat black. Like I said, very cool.

Which brings me to my next point. I am really thinking my Bandit would look good naked and painted olive drab or flat black.....

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