Thursday, June 19, 2008

What's your reason for riding?

What a simple question. What a hard question to answer.

There are, of course, a million answers, none of them wrong, either.

For some, the answer is pure speed. That's why they ride. For others, the answer is necessity and with $4 per gallon of gas, that answer is going to be relevant to more and more of us. The answer can also be freedom, which is in itself a million different answers. Freedom from what?

I've been thinking of the reason I like to ride so much and there are many reasons but the main one I think is part of all the other reasons is exploration. I want to see new places.

Yet, the more I look around, the more I realize how I don't have to go hundreds of miles away to see new things. There are things in Tallahassee I haven't seen. For example, there is a home that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, right here in town. Aren't too many of those in the country, are there?

There are probably five or six cool experiences in every nearby county, waiting to be seen, one weekend at a time. It is probably the same for everyone, but most of us put the blinders on and look further out for the cool experiences, don't we?

I think I'm going to pull out my Rand map book and really investigate the three or four surrounding counties. See what pops up.

Then, once I get two wheels (soon!), I'm going to go see them. Take lots of pictures. Blog about it.

Sounds good to me.


Robert said...

hey steve...
with all your reserch on the KLR 650 do you have any idea what kind of MPG they could get.

Scott said...

I'm Scott :) But the KLR 650 gets around 45 mpg, dpending on how you drive it and where.

I do love the KLR, and if I keep reading sites like the KLR site, Dixie Dual Sports site, ADV Rider, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up with one, which will eb fine with me :)

Robert said...

lol sorry just relised I had been talking to my friend steve when I sent you that message.
I'm thnking very seriously about a KLR also.

Scott said...

You know, I would love to have a KLR but a Ninja 250 would do everything I want to do, interstate, highway, in town, dirt roads....

Plus they are much cheaper to buy.