Monday, June 16, 2008

More thoughts on motorcycles....

Well, I've sort of rekindled my interest in the Kawasaki KLR 650. You have to like a bike that even its most rabid supporters will say 'It doesn't do anything great, it just does everything ok.'

If you think about it, that's actually a pretty cool thing to say about a motorcycle, in my opinion. Want to ride 300 miles on the interstate? You reasonable speeds. Want to go off road? You can...but a bit slower than smaller dirt bikes. Want to do both? You certainly can...

I also know it's really not a good idea to lump all KLR owners into a group, but after doing some research and meeting a large group of them January, CAMPING!!, I can say it's a group I'd like to be a part of.

I've been reading up on the KLR at a lot of sites. One of them, Adventure Rider, is an amazing site for people going way out of the way, doing all sorts of awesome things on a motorcycle, then taking lots of stunning photos and posting them online. Take a look, I bet $5 you won't get past the opening page without spending five minutes or more looking at the slideshow. I know you won't.

Anyway, I ran across a thread entitled You know you're a KLR Owner when... That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read on the 'net.

I love the one about 'If you have any accessories made out of wood...'

I guess I could be a KLR guy, huh?

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