Saturday, I had a few hours to kill so I went riding. My stepdaughter and wife had seen a yellow Helix off Mahan so I rode over to take a look. Unfortunately, the business where the scooter was displayed was not open so I couldn't take a look.
So, I was on Highway 90 with at least a couple of hours to kill. What to do, what to do.
So, I was heading east on 90 and at the Publix near I-10, some idiot in an SUV on a cell phone decides to pull out in front of me. The Kymco has a nice loud horn. Doubt she cared, she was pretty intent on her cell phone jammed in her ear.
Anyway, it had been years since I had taken 90 to Monticello and it was a nice ride. A few more curves would have been nice but it was a quick run to Monticello. Once there, since my Parents live a few miles out of Monticello, I decided I couldn't ride over to Monticello and not swing by and see them, so I headed out of town to their home.
I spent an hour or two hanging out with my Dad, the FSU game was on, but it soon got time to go since it was getting late.
I headed out on Highway 19 and turned right onto 27 and rode back into town just as it got dark.
The Kymco did fine and I like that scooter more and more every time I ride it.
After my first real road trip, the next time I rode was the next day, to the No Club movie night. Tim was sort of maybe going to meet me there but when I rode up, all I saw were motorcycles...except for one blue Silverwing (I think) but it was out in the parking lot, not in the special parking area for the group, which happened to be right in front of the entrance to Beef O'Brady's.
I parked to the side of the bikes and took a quick look at them before I went in. There were a lot of cruisers, a sport bike or two, a chopper and a few standard bikes. There were some really nice bikes there. I was looking forward to talking to their owners and get a bit of information on them since I really don't know a lot about motorcycles.
I headed in and went to the back room and took a seat. It kind of sucked, though, because there were three tables completely full of the group. So, for a while I sat by myself but it was ok since I could watch football. Soon a couple came in and sat at my table and they were very nice. They also have two of the nicest looking bikes I've ever seen.
Taking a look around at the group, it was evident that they really go by the mantra of 'anyone is welcome, no drama, just ride' (yes, I paraphrased). There were some college kids, some older couples, one or two true biker looking types and a table of young tatted rocker types. This group is my kind of group, I think. Unless they cruise over 60mph...that is. I am on a scooter, you know.
Anyway, the movie, 'Wild Hogs' soon started and it was pretty good, fairly goofy and enjoyable.
I was hoping to be able to take a longer look at the bikes after the movie but everyone left pretty quickly and I headed home. Two of the group headed out with me for most of my ride home.
All in all, quite a nice weekend