Sunday, November 28, 2010

What a beautiful day for a ride!

It was chilly but not too bad and the Bandit was quick to warm up, so I headed out to grab a bite to eat. My neighborhood is small and to get out of my 'hood, you get on a six lane road. So when you go, you have to usually GO!

Crossing over to the median was easy, no traffic headed north, so headed into town, was a solid three lanes of traffic. So, I waited for a bit and it opened up on the inside lane...and if I got in and got up to speed, I could make it over to the far side, where I'd need to be.

I'm a new rider, only around 1000 miles on the Bandit but I don't do anything silly. I do sometimes go 0-speed limit really fast though, and this is one of those times. There is nothing that can describe that feeling. I can only imagine what it feels like on a Hayabusa or ZX-14 or anything like that. Can't really say I want to see what it feels like (yet), as I'm quite happy with the speed from my 'lowly' Bandit

Riding into town, I took the long way because I was on the bike, it was a beautiful day, and do we need any more reasons? Halfway there, I realized I didn't have my wallet.... It's almost like I planned after a return trip home, I finally made it to lunch.

The ride home was just as nice, absolutely beautiful weather and shared a few lights near the end of the trip with a guy on a really nice shiny BMW 650/800. Those BMW's are very nice looking but then I think of what they do differently than my $300 bike and realize the price difference isn't worth it. (Plus, I'm cheap)

Speaking of cheap, I'm heading out now to finish up my $8 tail bag! Edit Post Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post .

1 comment:

irondad said...

It always starts with the rider. Not the bike.